Reasons Why Exercise Is Beneficial For You
I usually don't work out a lot, because the seizure meds I'm on regulate my weight. USUALLY. Since I've moved back home ( Houma) that has changed. My clothes fit a little more-i don't like that. lol. So I decided I needed to start working out.
1. Boost happiness levels
Working out gives you endorphins and they make you happy!!! That is a fact!
A Penn State University study found that people who exercised, whether it was a mild, moderate or vigorous workout, had more pleasant feelings than those who didn’t.
2. Learn to set — and achieve — goals.
This is a good one! Are you a procrastinator (I can be). This is a fabulous way to set weekly goals for yourself. And see results!!!
3. Reduce your risk of heart disease naturally.
I'm not sure about you, but when I can see I can decrease my risk for ANY illness and have a healthier life- I'm in!
Get out of the medicine cabinet and reduce your risk of heart disease the natural way. A meta-review of a variety of studies and trials conducted by researchers in 2013 — encompassing 305 trials with more than 339,000 participants — found that no statistically detectable differences existed between those who exercised and those who were given medications in the prevention of coronary heart disease and prediabetes.
4. Sleep better.
If you have trouble sleeping like I do! Execerise is perfect! So if you can’t sleep and are prone to tossing and turning, exercising can help you sleep better. By strengthening circadian rhythms, exercising can help keep you more bright-eyed during the day and bring on sleep at night. It also promotes better quality sleep.
5. Get an energy boost
So true!!! After a workout, hydrate of course. But it does give you this new energy!
When you’re feeling exhausted, the last thing you might want to do is squeeze in a workout. But, according to experts, that’s exactly what you should do. They found that low-intensity exercise.
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